1 Thessalonians 5:15

Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always strive to do what is good for each other and for everyone else ~ 1 Thessalonians 5:15

I recall a funeral that I officiated many, many years ago. The deceased, as I knew him was an elderly, but wonderful man, he had given his heart to Christ and had many good reports from friends around where he lived at the time. What I did not know about was his past life…he had been an alcoholic, an absent father, and when under the influence of drink, he had been violent. Part way through the funeral some of his family who had not seen him for quite some time began to shout and rage that he was an awful man, that he had done much harm to his children. The other side of his family began to argue back and for a few moments the whole sanctuary was in bedlam. With the grace of God, I was able to calm them all down, but what a scene it was! This was all due to hurt and pain that had not before been addressed with their father, instead they held it in until he lay dead in his coffin. Paying back wrong for wrong is most often due to that same reason. We hold in our offences, our hurts and anger, the ways we have been betrayed, abused, or left out, and we want revenge! We want blood! At times I wonder if that family ever healed inside. Why did they even come to the funeral if their feelings were so raw and full of hatred? And, what good did it do them or, anyone there, to shout and rage at the past life of a dead man? Had they sought a resolution, even a confrontation with their father before he died, perhaps he would have had the chance to ask forgiveness and make amends. But that was not offered before death. We all will die one day. Will we die with hatred in our heart for someone, or will we find a way to bring healing and wholeness of some sort back into our relationships? I opt for the last part of this verse…strive to do good for all. Amen.

Pastor Julia

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