2 Peter 1:3

His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness ~ 2 Peter 1:3

Do you ever feel that you are not enough of something – you know, never smart enough, or brave enough, or strong enough. You constantly compare yourself to others who seem to have more of what you would like so that you could do what they do. Wow! I do not think there is any one of us who cannot say we have not thought that at some time or another! We need not do that after reading this verse! Jesus, through his power, gives us EVERYTHING we need! Everything! We have to come to the place and realize that we cannot do things on our own, but we do them because Jesus is there with us giving us the strength, the wisdom, the ability, the power to do what he has called us to do! That is so wonderfully amazing! You lack nothing if you are doing what God has called you to. If you fear that you are not enough, then you must stop and cast that thought away from you. It is not God’s thought, it is the enemy of our soul’s thought, and it is untrue. Right now, I am trying once more to learn something new. I feel overwhelmed by it, but I keep praying for the Lord to help me, for I know he wants me to be able to accomplish this for my church. And I know I will. He will show me, but I had to put what I was trying aside so that I could once more concentrate on him and not on my failure to do what I wanted to do. I will let you know how I make out when he gives me the information I need! I know it will be a success! Just wait, for he has called me to it!

Pastor Julia

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