Ecclesiastes 12:13

Now all has been heard;

    here is the conclusion of the matter:

Fear God and keep his commandments,

    for this is the duty of all mankind ~Ecclesiastes 12:13

This is the second to last verse of the book, thought to be written by King Solomon. He was the wisest man who ever lived, and no one would be wiser, not until Christ walked the earth (1 Kings 3:12; Matthew 12:42). His concluding words put the whole of his writing in proper perspective – our duty, the duty of every living person, is to keep the commandments of God and fear him, or, hold him in awe. It is a simple conclusion, but such a profound one, for not all people will do this and live in this way. We struggle with our own rules, our own decisions, and our own ways. We constantly fight the battle between flesh and spirit, between listening to God and listening to our ego self. If only mankind would give in and pay attention to this final word for the next verse lays out the result of paying attention or not to this word: “God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil” (v14). All has been heard, all has been written to show there is good reason for following the commandments of God – they are for our good and our benefit. When we live in the way God desires for us we will win the battle over our flesh through his power, we will live a life of joy in him, and every struggle in life we go through will turn in the end to blessing, for this is what God does and will do. Fear God for he is awesome and mighty! Obey him and live! Most importantly, believe in Him, for that is always the first step to obedience. 

Pastor Julia

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