Galatians 5:24

Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires ~ Galatians 5:24

It sounds like a painful thing to do, that is, to crucify the flesh from its passions and desires, yet, when Christ comes to live within the heart, it is neither painful nor hard to do. It is quite amazing to note the transformation that takes place in one’s heart when Jesus comes in to live there. I remember when I first came to Christ and the changes that took place within me. I gave up so many worldly things that I had been attached to. But the interest in them was no longer there! It just disappeared, maybe not the exact moment I gave my heart to Christ, but very shortly thereafter. Vices of the world which had attracted me no longer held my attention. The only things that pulled at me were to live like Christ lived. It is not that I am totally free of my fleshly passions and desires. I fight them the same as everyone – whether that is how I use my words, or whether my patience is like Christ’s, I fight the flesh within which cries out for attention. But this I know: Jesus took my sins and nailed them to the tree on which he died. When I gave my heart to him, he took my past and he drove it into the deepest sea, never to be seen again. I thank the Lord I am not who I used to be. I thank the Lord, he freed me from my past. My need to know that I am of worth is found in him; I no longer need to go to any extreme to gain the world’s acceptance and love, for I am his beloved child. All that bound me in chains has been loosed in my love for my Lord. The flesh, our flesh, imprisons us, Jesus frees us! Praise God!

Pastor Julia

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