Isaiah 43:2

 When you pass through the waters, I will be with you;
    and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you;
when you walk through fire you shall not be burned,
    and the flame shall not consume you ~ Isaiah 43:2

I am very blessed as I live a life that, for now, is relatively free of stresses and burdens that overwhelm a soul. I am grateful and thankful for that. It is not that my life has always been so, for there have been many rivers I have had to ford, and many fires that needed putting out in my life. But, like the promises from the word of Isaiah here, none of them have taken me so down to drown me completely and no fire which consumed me entirely. God has always had my hand in his, even when I did not know it. It is when we look back over the trials of our life and know that we survived them with his help. This is where we can see how our trust in the Lord preserves us. He is faithful when we lack faith, he is trustworthy when we lack trust. If we have asked him into our heart, even our weakness becomes his strength in those times of turmoil. That is the joy of the Lord we have in our salvation. The world does not have this joy or this knowledge for it does not know the hand of the Lord. It sees the rivers depth and the fiery flame and lives in fear, in distrust, in anxiety, and too often their soul perishes into a living death. I know, for I was there before the Lord came into my heart and life as my Saviour. My soul cries out now for those who do not know my Saviour and Lord; for those who have not entrusted their lives into his caring hands which hold our head up as we cross our rivers in life. Only with Jesus at our side can the challenges we all face, though they differ between us, be overcome by his power and love, and his strength to redeem the broken and lost into salvation.

Pastor Julia

image by pixabay


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