Mark 8:35

For whoever wants to save their life (or soul) will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me and for the gospel will save it ~ Mark 8:35

Before Christ came into my life, I thought I was a strong woman, a “modern” woman even. It was not until after Jesus entered my life that I discovered I was neither strong nor modern. I had instead been dying inside within a marriage that was psychologically abusive. And all that time I had thought all was well. I once mentioned my thoughts of how I viewed myself to a sibling, that is, before Christ was my center. If anyone can see what the real truth is, it is usually others outside of yourself. The look of shock on their face said it all. You see, when I lived without Jesus in my heart, I was saving myself, but I was dead inside. How absurd is that thinking, yet I am not alone. Those who walk each day without Christ live a life of lies, yet they go on thinking they are doing just fine without him! When we try to run our life without the wisdom and love of God, we are losing the battle, and sin and Satan win our soul. We, when we come to receive Jesus into our heart, he guides us, he shows us the way, he is Truth, and he opens his Truth into the great revelation of our soul. Life enters, we are saved, just as I was saved. The marriage ended, and that is something I would never recommend unless one is in a situation of abuse, and due to that I became who I was meant to be – a servant of the Most High God! I now have the fullness of life in Christ! Is it without pain and suffering? No. Is it without challenges and opposition? No. Is my life, or am I perfect? Never. But Christ in me is, and so my life has gained a greater value than I could have ever placed on it by my own strength and modernization as a woman. Thank you, Jesus, you are my life, my strength, my hope, and my love, and I am your beloved child!

Pastor Julia

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