Psalm 130:5

I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits,

    and in his word I put my hope ~ Psalm 130:5

I hunger for the Lord’s Spirit to fill me to overflowing everyday, for his wisdom and guidance to lead me, for his words to stir me. Still, I wait. I once read that Mother Teresa wrote she never felt the closeness of Jesus. I found her quote on the web, but it was not there I had first read it. She stated: “Jesus has a very special love for you. [But] as for me–The silence and the emptiness is so great–that I look and do not see,–Listen and do not hear”. –MOTHER TERESA TO THE REV. MICHAEL VAN DER PEET, SEPTEMBER 1979 ( We wonder at this for she did such a great work in our world with the poor and impoverished. Her heart was genuine and true, and her words spoke in clear volume. Her dedication and love were ecumenical, and all faith groups recognized her value in our world as a follower of Jesus, yet she felt only Jesus’ silence. Are there days that you feel only silence? I know I do, and at times I feel it far too often. I know the Lord is there, I know He is working in and through me and in my life, but I wait for the silence to be broken. I do not know the reason – I only know to trust and to wait and to read his word. I fill my heart with it each day and I read the words of life for all. Perhaps this psalmist also felt what I am describing here – silence, except in the word that he reads. Even greater, perhaps many people feel the same silence, except when they go into the word of God and read. So, I thank the Lord he passed on his word to those who wrote it down for us all to glean the wisdom, the love, the mercy and grace, and the redemption we have through the Son of God, Jesus Christ. Read on, then, my friends, study and learn and put your hope in his word, for it is God speaking to you, and to me! And wait on him in trust!

Pastor Julia

image by pixabay


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