1 Peter 5:6

Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time ~ 1 Peter 5:6

Why is it so important to humble ourselves, and how are we failing to do so these days? First, vanity and pride set us above others as though we are more important and have it “all together.” Pride is more than saying I am better than you. It can also be found in the one who says I didn’t do good enough. Many years ago, my mentor’s wife made a comment to me that stung but was also the truth. Lacking self-confidence, I would question continually if I had said the right words or if my sermon was good, or if my prayers were meaningful, or I would just put myself down. She finally told me I was asking out of pride, though I thought I was indeed humble. I needed constant approval, and whether lack of self-confidence fit into that, or if I just wanted to hear her accolades, the two were very closely mixed and both called for the same attention. We must guard very closely against pride, for we can often make it seem as though it is humility. But the truth is that God sees our heart for what it is as well as by those who have a discerning spirit. False pride will show itself in how we deal with critique, it shows as narcissism, and with an underlying competitiveness. Pride is shown with an overexaggerated self-esteem. Humility on the other hand is shown by one who gives praise to his teammates or cleans the bathroom though he has the capability to stand on the stage or own the company. Humility is to not set oneself above others, but to stand equal or below others to build them up. Humility is not self-degradation! When God gives us the praise and glory it is because we have given way to do what he has called us to do without standing up and shouting I am better than that job or whatever it is. If we are truly humble, we will find ourselves living the way of Christ, for he showed us what true humility is – to take the way of the cross for the sake of another’s salvation. It is to give over self for another.  

Pastor Julia

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