Isaiah 26:3

You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you ~ Isaiah 26:3

Keep your eyes on Jesus through the storm. I love the story about Peter walking on the water. It is a perfect example of how we often deal with our troubles in life. We find oneself out in the middle of a lake, surrounded by the waves of life when we suddenly remember to look up. What we see then is Jesus coming toward us and our faith is bolstered. We want to do what he can do, we want to walk on the water, and he tells us we can. So we jump out of the boat, believing that we are safe. And we are, as long as our vision is not clouded by what is around us. We walk triumphantly through the cresting waters because we know our Lord is right there with us. We have encountered our perfect peace in that moment. The storm may rise, the winds may rush past, the waves may crash around us, but we are walking on the water with Jesus, rising above all that is around and below us. Trust in Jesus and our heart rests, our blood pressure calms, our pulse slows down. We see our problems with new eyes, and with the vision of Jesus. Don’t take your eyes off Jesus! When we do we will begin once more to sink beneath the heaviness of our problems, just as Peter did. No more did he walk above the waves, but he became a part of the waves, sinking lower and lower. His peace was gone, his trust wavered, and his mind was distracted. He called out for the One and only one who could save him. If your mind and heart do the same as Peter’s heart and mind did, and if you waver, call out! Remember who your salvation is! Then rise above your waves, walk in peace on the top of the waves, and trust Jesus will walk every step with you until you are once again on dry land. 

Pastor Julia

image by pixabay


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