Philippians 4:8

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things ~ Philippians 4:8

Our thoughts can so easily lead us astray, whether that is into self-deprecation, or depression, or into sin. Proverbs reminds us to watch our heart, for out of it springs life, and Jesus told us that out of the treasure of our heart comes good or evil (Prov. 4:23; Luke 6:45). In Colossian 3:2 the Apostle Paul again reminds us to set our minds on the things from above, not on the things of this earth. It is hard to control our thoughts, I know that, but we are commanded to do so, not matter how difficult that is. God is our help in this area, for without him, it is near impossible to discipline ourselves to think other than the way we have either been brought up, or the way our mind naturally tends to wander. How much brighter life is though when we think of what is good, what is pure and admirable. I know a young woman, and her thoughts are full of fear about the end times, fear about theories that are spread rapidly on FaceBook, or the news or wherever there is fake news reported. Instead of living a life safe knowing that Jesus is for her and not against her and living a life of goodness and love, she lives a life of trepidation. That, my friends, is no life. It does take effort to turn our thoughts away from those evil thoughts, it also takes wisdom to know what we should read and who we should listen to. When we fill our mind with garbage, our heart is filled that way too, and our thoughts will lead us down a slippery slope. Raise your thoughts and your minds to that of Christ! He will never lead you astray!

Pastor Julia

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