Zechariah 14:9

The Lord will be king over the whole earth. On that day there will be one Lord, and his name the only name ~ Zechariah 14:9

As a Christ follower, I long for the day when Jesus will be King over the whole earth in recognition. The world we live in now has many kings, many lords, many gods. We live in a pluralized society where not only are there many gods, but where the individual is also known as a god, for the decisions made come from within. Not so with a Christ follower, for all our decisions come from a higher power that speaks into our mind and heart and leads and guides us in righteous ways. Inner decisions without God are made with personal and selfish motives, they can’t help but be so, for we are all created with sin in our heart. Only with the salvation offered by Jesus Christ can our hearts be pure in motive. One day though, this world will recognize Jesus Christ as the only way, the only truth, the only Saviour. We pray now that others would see this before the day of reckoning, but we know that many turn aside on a daily, hourly, minute-by-minute basis. How devastating for those souls which cannot bend to recognize Jesus as King! They will not go into heaven when they die, they will instead be separated from Him forever and ever in the fires of hell. We must pray harder for the lost souls of this earth, for reconciliation between family members, for when there is reconciliation there, it will spread out into the community, and when it spreads there it will go beyond our community into our country. Pray for healed hearts, pray for peace, pray for reconciliation and pray that all may come to know Jesus Christ as King of their life…before it is too late for their soul!! 

Pastor Julia

image by pixabay 


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