1 Corinthians 16:13-14

Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong. Do everything in love ~ 1 Corinthians 16:13, 14

Paul the Apostle is talking to a church which had inner conflicts with each other and here in his last portion of his letter he reminds them what is important: being on guard against the spiritual enemy, firmness in faith, remaining courageous and bold in proclamation and strong in convictions. But above all, to do all these things in love. Isn’t that the secret to everything? When we love each other, we will not choose to hurt each other. When we love each other, our words will not sting, but will protect, will enable, will guide, and will uplift. There is nothing which will destroy our Christian witness more than saying or doing things without love. When we live in selfish, and self-motivating thoughts we exclude those around us and anger builds. Anger is something we are to guard against, for it destroys whatever it touches, unless of course it is holy anger. By that I mean if you see an injustice taking place for the poor, the oppressed, or some group of people who lack power, then we are to by angered by that injustice. We do not take that anger out on someone, but on something. That is holy anger. We are to stand firm in the faith of the Lord Jesus Christ and what we are taught through his Word. It is easy to fall away when good sounding speech prevails though it may be off base. We must have a firm foundation in God’s word. Never be afraid to speak out if you are speaking Godly words for the Holy Spirit will lead you and convict others through your word. Above all, always, always let love lead you and guide you. Actions in love will never fail you.

Pastor Julia

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