1 John 4:15
Those who give thanks that Jesus is the Son of God live in God, and God lives in them ~ 1 John 4:15 TPT
I clearly remember the day I surrendered my life to Jesus, giving him all authority over my life. It was a spring day, March 7, 1999, and I stood at the bottom of the steps of a church and gave him my all if he wanted me. Of course, he did, as he wants us all to surrender to him. That day, the Lord my God and Jesus the Son of God came into my life in the fullness of the Holy Spirit to live within. My life completely changed on that day, and it has never been the same since then. When God lives in us, our world becomes new, our thoughts change, our attitudes change, our actions change. We begin to grow in his likeness and in his likeness, we change those around us and the broader world. Ask God today what you can do to show how much you love him and then display that to the people around you. God gives us many opportunities to show the grace and love of God. We are made to be examples of the love of God, for he is love. Let us show that love each day to others so that God may live in them as well.
Pastor Julia
image by pixabay
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