Philippians 4:9

Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you ~ Philippians 4:9

“Put it into practice”, Paul says. Over the last few weeks, discipleship has really been on my mind. Everything seems to be turning me toward this subject, so I know God is really trying to speak to me, and for me to speak to others. You see, I am troubled about how we present ourselves as disciples, if we even do so. Our western Christianity has become generalized. We have lost our salt, that is the bottom line. Most “Christians”, and I use this term loosely, because that is how it is used today, just aim to be “good.” “I am a good person,” “I am a Christian.” But when one looks at their life it is hard to see how they may be different from anyone who lives apart from Christ and in the world. Our world has much more influence on us than the Bible does in this day and age. Our life as a Christ follower (I like that term better than Christian because it is so generalized) must be put into practice. We cannot go to church every now and again, we cannot hear the word of God only when we go to church, we cannot use language that would give God or our church family a “bad name.” We are to be the salt of the world! How can we do that when we blend into the world around us? I am seeing more and more that many of us are immature in our spiritual lives, and it disturbs me greatly. To put into practice our faith, we must read God’s word every day and study it, journal how it speaks to us and meditate upon it, be in prayer constantly, put a guard over our lips and our words and bring them under control. And we are to practice love as God loves us; forgiveness as we were forgiven. Practice, practice, practice, until we become more and more like our Christ and Saviour!

Pastor Julia

image by pixabay


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