Proverbs 4:23

Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it ~ Proverbs 4:23

How true this is and how fickle is our heart! We set ourselves on a steady course and suddenly our heart takes us in a totally different direction, and we are led astray. It takes discipline to guard our heart, and sometimes great strength to keep it on track. Thankfully, as born-again Christians we have the Holy Spirit to help us, but I say with caution here we can shut down his voice and not listen! When we do close off the encounter with the Holy Spirit’s voice in our conscience, our heart will win out. Prayer is always the answer for a wayward heart then. We must depend upon the Spirit of God to lead us, to close our mouth when our heart wants to speak out in dissention. We must pray and ask God to lead our inner thoughts, so they represent Jesus’ thoughts, Jesus’ words, Jesus’ actions. How can we claim to be a Christ follower and wear clothing, or use words, or do deeds that do not represent Jesus Christ? We are to be a part of this world, but not of this world, and that takes a guard over our heart to stay clear of all that would give God, our meeting place in Christ, our own lives a disgraceful name. Everything, not “some things” which flow from our heart will either give glory to God or give glory to the world. We must be disciplined if we are to give that deserved glory to God alone.

Pastor Julia 

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