Colossians 1:13

For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves ~ Colossians 1:13

I am reading through Jeremiah and Isaiah now in my daily readings, and the loss God feels over the betrayal of his people is expressed very deeply. God wants his people to love him and follow him. One can read through both prophets the grief God is feeling as well as his anger. Over and over God had saved his people, protected them, and led them through desert places, yet still they took up the darkness of other gods and belief systems. It took strong measures to bring his people back, most times at their realization that they had deeply sinned and left the real God who was above all other gods. People are the same today. This world in which we live has moved far away from God, yet they do not realize it as they too worship other gods. How long and what will it take for them to realize they have abandoned the true God? For those of us who live as faithfully as we can, we know the darkness God has rescued us from. It is the darkness of evil which surrounds us, it is the freedom from selfish pride, anger, and selfish living. It is knowing that our soul is now safe because of the Son of God – love come down to bring us into the presence of the living and true God! When we keep reading through both books of the Bible we will see the end is far different from the beginning. God does not, nor will not abandon his people. Neither will he today. God’s desire is that all people would come to know and to love him as he loves them. He sent his only Son to die on a cross and to show that love. He wants us to be his kingdom people!

Pastor Julia

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