Hebrews 4:12

For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart ~ Hebrews 4:12

When I open the word of God, and read a passage I have read before, there seems to be something new that I take away from that word. God’s word speaks something different to all of us when we open it, even when we have heard the story many times before. Sometimes that story reminds me of the love God has for me, whereas other times it may remind me of how I must be a different person that the world in my living. God’s word convicts me of my sinfulness, lifts me when I am low and despondent, reminds me that even King David has felt the way I may be feeling. Paul’s words spoken through the Holy Spirit call me higher, and Jesus’ words call me to truth and love as I have never known love. I love how the writer of Hebrews says God’s word penetrates deep into our soul and spirit, for when we are pierced through by God’s word we have received the word so deeply that its impact is painfully felt. We need that pain to help us realize that following Jesus is not for the lighthearted, but it is a call to a life change, a heart change. It is a call to leave the “me” behind and take hold of the “Him in me”. God’s word instructs me, guides me, lifts me, comforts me, purifies me, grants wisdom to me. When I am not in his word, on a daily basis, I cannot get to know Him. It is his love letter to me. How can I fall in love if I do not know the other person? My thoughts, my attitudes cannot line up with his if I do not know him. I want his word to cut me open and expose what must be removed from within. There is much in my soul that must go so that I can be more like my Saviour. The word of God opens me up!

Pastor Julia

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