Isaiah 6:8

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” ~ Isaiah 6:8

When I received the call to come to Niagara Falls Ontario, back from the East Coast where God had sent me ten years earlier, this was the defining verse. I had gone through all the meetings, I had met people, and though they were all wonderful, I had not felt the Lord really saying this was where he wanted me – until the 99
th hour. On the last day, the last hymn of the day was the one written with the words of this scripture. Then God spoke to me! I was to leave my wonderful Wilmot Church and come to a new place. Recently, God spoke to me again, not to go somewhere, but to stay here in this place where he had placed me. And so, now I am in my wonderful Niagara Falls Church. But just because I am a pastor does not mean God does not still send out this verse to all Christ followers to go! Where will he send you today? What has he planned for you today, so that your life can enter another’s life and bring the good news of the gospel message? Where does God want to send you, and are you willing like Isaiah to go? His response was immediate: “Here am I” I can imagine him jumping up, waving his arms as though flagging down an airplane! “I am here! I am ready to go! I will do your bidding!” Sometimes we are more willing in our words than our actions…today, listen for God’s voice calling out, “Whom shall I send?” Then my friend, don’t turn your back on that voice, but answer it! “Here am I, send me!” Then, go!  

Pastor Julia

image by pixabay


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