Micah 6:8

He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God ~ Micah 6:8

We are called to walk through our life as Jesus walked through his. We are not perfect like him, but he is our model to follow as closely as we can every day of our life. He is a just God, which means he looks at each of us the same way, not favouring one over another, but placing us all on the same weigh scale at the same weight. The fact is that we are all born sinners and it is by his grace alone that we come into his presence and are transformed by his Holy Spirit. God is fair with all of us, and no matter who we are or what we have done, we are forgiven when we ask it of him. This is the standard we are to have for each other. I heard John Piper yesterday explain something about this, and I loved his analogy. He mentioned our hand not just being a part of the body, but as part of the other hand. Often Paul has talked about the church as a body; Christ is the head, we are all the different parts. But the body cares for the rest of the body. If I hit my hand with a hammer, says John Piper, I don’t treat that hand as just another part of my body, but I cringe, I hold it with my hand that had the hammer, and I scream out in pain. The one hand is thus a part of the other hand – not separate. Being just with each other treats the other as a part of me, because I want justice, just as Christ gave us all justice. Being merciful is to forgive others, to be reconciled, to do as God has done for us. All this is connected to walking humbly with our God, for if we are proud we have already set ourselves above others and disconnected ourselves from God. We cannot be just and love as Christ if we do not live in humility. They are all inter-connected!

Pastor Julia

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