Hebrews 11:22, 23

By faith Joseph, when his end was near, spoke about the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt and gave instructions concerning the burial of his bones. By faith Moses’ parents hid him for three months after he was born, because they saw he was no ordinary child, and they were not afraid of the king’s edict ~ Hebrews 11:22, 23

It’s easier to just wait until you see exactly what is ahead of you before you move. For instance, when I am driving I want to see clearly before I move out into the oncoming lane to pass a driver in front of me. That is wise to do. I want to slow down at the end of an aisle in a grocery store, so I don’t smash my cart into someone, or they into me. I want to be cautious in many instances for safety’s sake. But when we live by faith, we don’t see exactly what is ahead, nor can we always be cautious. In fact, most of the time when we step out in faith we are taking a leap off a cliff into the unknown. The unknown by us, that is. Our unknown is known by God, and it is exactly our leaping out in faith that he expects and rewards. Joseph had no idea how long his people would be in Egypt – he just knew that one day they would leave, and he did not want to be left behind in a country that was not his birthplace. Moses’ parents had no idea what would happen to their baby after he was placed in the water. The fact that they thought and believed he was no ordinary child is a fact of faith let alone trusting that he would not die in the reed basket. He could have been caught by a river animal and there would have been no Moses in the history books of the Israelite people. Faith must be exercised. It sounds strange as we think that only our body needs exercise, but faith too needs to be tested, strengthened, take on more stamina. We can only do that by hearing the Lord speak to us, or stall our plans, and yes, even change them. Faith says I know that you Lord have everything planned out for me and I will trust you to take care of me. Faith is not only the hallmark found in Chapter 11 of Hebrews, but it is also the hallmark of your life when you live by it and in it.

Pastor Julia


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