Colossians 3:1

Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God ~ Colossians 3:1

How easy it is to lose our focus on what should be our focus – Jesus, Conqueror, High Priest, Lamb of God, Great Advocate, King of kings! Instead, we look at the world around us and see what I wrote about yesterday – hearts that are heavy and burdened. I needed to read this verse today! I hope it gives light to your soul too. We serve a God that is above all others – there is none beside him, he said so himself (Is. 45:5). He created the heavens and the earth, and though we have science trying to put names on how the earth came to be, they still have no solution. God created! Our hearts then, as Paul says here, are to be set on those things from above! Those things are the love of God, the knowledge that his purposes will not be swayed by any human, or disaster, or pandemic, or anything else. Those things are the perfection of God, and his mercy. Those things are that he holds me in the palm of his hand, that he created me to be the person I am, and he has a calling just for me. All these things are true for you too. He knows you through and through. He knows your thoughts, your weaknesses, and strengths, and he knows how much he loves you and always will. You are his beloved child, and nothing can take you from that love. You have been raised with Christ to know eternity in the here and now and in the future. Live your life then, in praise to the God and Christ who reigns in the heavens above!

Pastor Julia

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