Matthew 23:11

The greatest among you will be your servant ~ Matthew 23:11

What is it to be famous? What is it to be a person that makes a difference in the world around you? Is it to climb the ladder of success, stomping your way up and over any who come in the way? I will reach for the top, so move on over? Perhaps it is to work until I drop showing my boss I am willing to do anything. Not a bad idea…other than the “anything.” If it means you sell your soul, it is not a good idea at all! If I want to be a great preacher, do I have to have a mega church to be one? Only then will I be great? There is in all of us the urge to be important. It is in us from the time we are little. A young child thrives in the “watch me!” atmosphere of being the centre of attention. Within all of us, is there still not that urge, even though we are grown? Yes, it is, unless we have learned from Jesus the art of humility. He is the great teacher of greatness! He who knelt at the feet of his disciples and washed each dirty toe! He who reached out and touched each leprous person! He who took hold of the woman with the bleeding disorder and told her she was healed. She actually took hold of him first, but I can see him reaching out and touching her back. Fame does not come from being on the top, or from pounding your way into the lives of others, but it comes with softness, with care and concern, with love and empathy. It comes when we get down on our knees and wash the grime off someone’s feet. Only then are we found to be great. Jesus knew! He was and is the greatest of all!

Pastor Julia

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