Matthew 5:7

Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy ~ Matthew 5:7

We all need mercy! I know I do. There are times when I just plain mess up. I say something I shouldn’t have said, or I behave in a way that gives the wrong impression, or I just lose control. I am as imperfect as they come! And when I do one of those things that I just mentioned, I need and want mercy. In the same token, I need to be merciful, for as I am not perfect, neither is anyone else. So how I look at you is how I want you to look at me. Mercy is different than grace. Mercy forgives when harsh treatment could be expected. It is to be kind to someone when they don’t deserve it. Grace too is unexpected, but it has more to do with favor which has not been earned. We have the grace of God in our salvation. We have the mercy of God in that we do not get our just punishment. So, if you are merciful, you will overlook and forgive me when I mess up, and I will do the same for you. We need more mercy in our world today. We live in a dangerous time with emotions running high. The strain of isolation due to covid, the strain of divisions due to vaccinations administered or not is paying a price on humanity. We have placed people in the “in” or the “out” category. Remember when you are out and about, running through the day doing your chores, someone may be having a really rough day and your mercy may just be what they need to turn it around. Be merciful, just as you need a bit of that mercy returned on your bad day.

Pastor Julia

image by pixabay


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