John 14:26

But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you ~ John 14:26

Jesus did not leave us to fend for ourselves after he returned to his Father in heaven. His concern has always been for us, and we would know we are not left alone. I am so thankful for the Spirit of Christ and his living within me. When I need his wisdom, all I must do is ask for it. When I need discernment, he gives it to me. He opens the word of God for me when I read it, opening my eyes to see what he must teach me. The word of God is a living word, a powerful word which reaches into my heart to sometimes bring comfort, and at other times to help me make decisions. Sometimes God’s word with the power of the Holy Spirit cuts into my spirit and reminds me of how I may have forgotten to uphold his truth, or to show me what I may need to confess before him. When I pray, his Spirit intercedes for me when I am not sure of what to pray, and there have been times when I was in great struggle not knowing what God wanted from me. I have needed his Spirit to utter the words I did not know how to speak. He reminds me of verses that minister to me and my situation. Praise the Lord that he did not leave us abandoned to our own wisdom, but sent his Spirit to teach and advise, to comfort and convict, to fill us and fulfill us. Thank you, Lord, for your Holy Spirit! He has transformed my life!

Pastor Julia

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