John 15:5

I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing ~ John 15:5

I love this verse as it literally shows how our connection to Christ works in life. When we remain in him its like an IV inserted right into my vein with his life-giving resource. I am fed the nutrients I need to survive through this connection. If I pull the IV plug out of my arm, I will fail in health, but if I allow the medicines to continue to flow into me I will get stronger and stronger. Jesus tells us without him we can do nothing. How the world thinks so differently on this subject. They say, “I can do it all! I don’t need anyone!” We on the other hand, fall on our knees and say, “I need you, LORD! I cannot do this without you!” He is our lifeblood, our inspiration, our strength, and our foundation. Thank you, Jesus, for giving me the strength I need day by day to make life worth the living. As that little chorus goes, “…Because He lives I can face tomorrow, because he lives all fear is gone. Hallelujah, He lives!”

Pastor Julia 

image by pixabay


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