Luke 16:10
Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much ~ Luke 16:10
This is a matter of character. If you are given a small task and complete it faithfully, not only are you rewarded internally, but your manager or boss will see that you are trustworthy. I know a young man who recently started a job and works hard. He volunteered for overtime when others in his workplace did not, he made sure he was there everyday when others took time off, and it has paid off for him. He is now in line within a very short time of employment to move up into a higher responsibility heading toward leadership. This is a principal God uses in our Christian life as well. When we are faithful with the things of God in small measures he gives us more responsibility. If we try to hide certain aspects of who we are or try to cheat in some way, we fail in character and integrity. I ran a maid service many years ago and was in competition with another company. They were well known, but their quality of work was less detailed and efficient. I heard they would sweep the dirt under a carpet and leave it there. They charged a great deal more than my small company, but their work ethic could not compare. Ultimately, it is God who judges our heart and knows whether we are cheating or not. When we do our work we must always do it as though we were doing it for the Lord. This is what Paul tells us in Colossians 3:23. Do it with all your heart, he says. If we cannot do something for God with all our heart, we will never do something for an employer or anyone else with the integrity of trust and faithfulness.
Pastor Julia
image by pixabay
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