Psalm 139:23, 24

Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting ~ Psalm 139:23, 24

We are in the season of Lent, and it is the time of asking God to search our heart. It is not that we should not seek this at any time we come before the Lord, we should, and we ought. We do not want to have a heart that becomes hardened because of sin which enters in, but we constantly need the Holy Spirit to show us where we have fallen down. We do not want anything to block our prayers from entering the throne room of God, nor do we want broken relationships with those around us. Unless we are tested, and searched, and allow our openness to the God who tests us, we will gradually walk further and further away from him. It is not that we want to walk around acting like a pious and overly religious snob, for God does not want that to be what we display to those around us. But in our prayer closets, to open our heart to our loving Father and ask Him to reveal to us where we may have erred. And to seek forgiveness for that sin in our heart. when we open to viewing ourselves with honesty, we can then look at others with more patience and love. We are not perfect, for when God reveals our own issues, prejudices, and misjudgments and we realize how much he loves and forgives us, we can only do this for others. Forgive me Father, for my sins, and lead me in the way of life everlasting.

Pastor Julia

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