Psalm 40:1, 2

I waited patiently and expectantly for the Lord; and he inclined to me and heard my cry. He brought me up out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire. And he set my feet upon a rock, he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand ~ Psalm 40:1, 2

God moves in his time, not in ours, but he does not ignore us. When our hearts cry out to him, he hears and bends his ear toward us. We, however, expect him to move immediately on our time, and our patience runs low. It takes faith, patience and hope as we wait for the Lord to move on our behalf. When we wait patiently for the Lord to act, oh how he works! As the psalmist says, he was brought up out of the slimy pit, the mud and mire. What is the pit that you are in? Is it a pit of depression? Is a pit of financial stress? Is it a pit of abuse whether that is emotional or physical? All these tragedies of life are deep pits which trap us and bring us down. We feel caught, as though we are in quicksand, sinking deeper and deeper. But then our cry is heard and God comes to our rescue and our environment drastically changes as he draws us up out of the slime and plants us firmly on solid ground. I have been there…have you? Have you witnessed his saving grace in your life? God was inclined toward me, he felt willing to show his favour upon me. He will do that for you too. Call upon him and see what he will do! He will lift you and bring stability where there is only shifting sands.

Pastor Julia


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