Psalm 68:5

A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his dwelling ~ Psalm 68:5

When I grew up, most families were two parent families, well, at least where I grew up that is what one would find in the statistics. I know there are many children who have grown up without a father and in a single parent home. It leaves a scar, an opening for the enemy to make those feel as though they were not good enough or deserving enough to have both parents. There is a space which is left as a gaping hole when a parent is missing. It is the same when a partner dies, and one is left trying to fill in the openings the other person had so faithfully filled. New skills need to be learned, new challenges may arise daily. How did they do this? Or that? How did they manage the finances or turn on the breaker in the panel when I accidentally pop one because, guess what, I had too many things plugged in! When we live without the Lord in our life those gaps remain. Sometimes they grow, too. I know someone who once said to her earthly father, who she had found after twenty-nine years, “I don’t need a dad!” It sounds harsh, but it was true, for she at that time found out she had a heavenly Father who had been there through all her struggles of life, through all her good times and her bad. God is our Father. He is our husband. He is our protector. He is our guide and defender! He will never leave us or forsake us, ever!  

Pastor Julia


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