Joshua 1:8

Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful ~ Joshua 1:8

God is faithful to fulfill his promises to us. It is us who forget God’s laws and place other gods before us to worship. If we follow God’s laws, we live in a way that serves both us and others the way in which God calls us to live, and we are in God’s will, putting him first in our life. What is so wonderful about our God is that even when we are unfaithful, he is faithful to receive us back into his fold when we repent. God desires good for us always. We have to live with our humanity and frailty, with our waywardness, and God knows we are formed this way. It is better by far to remain faithful in our heart toward him, but the fact of our humanity makes us at times weak. God understands this about us. Jesus lived on earth as a human, and though he was without sin, he was tempted by all the sin we are tempted by. We serve then and love a God who knows us intimately, we have a God which can directly relate to us. We are thankful and grateful we serve a God which has put into place a Law of love for us and which rewards those who follow his Law of love.

Pastor Julia

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