Romans 5:8
But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us ~ Romans 5:8
We are still in the time of Lent, where we think of the death of Christ, and the sacrifice he made for us. During this time, we often give up a pleasure, or make sacrifices of our own to serve as our way of undergoing how Christ demonstrated his love for us. In no way do we sacrifice during Lent in the way that Christ did as he walked toward the cross. We cannot in any way give up what Christ gave up. Have you fasted? Christ did much more than fast from certain foods. Have you given up buying luxury items? They matter little in the cost of a life. We do not sacrifice, nor can we, to repay the price Christ’s life expended. He willingly sacrificed his life for you and for me. His love was demonstrated by following the will of his Father in heaven to die for us. His life was the sacrifice which enables us to draw close into the throne room of God and to come into his presence with our prayers and our worship. It tore the curtain in the temple from top to bottom, meaning that we no longer need a priest to present our petitions to our Father in heaven for we come directly before him. It means the barrier of sin was removed from us so that our God could look at us and hear us, for sin divides us from him who is sinless. Christ did this, not for “perfect” disciples, but for we who are sinful, who are imperfect, we who have the stain of his blood upon our hands. This is perfect love.
Pastor Julia
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