A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another ~ John 13:23 Jesus came in love, to bring love to all who would receive, and as he came showing us his love, so we are expected, commanded in fact, to love one another. What makes the difference in Christ’s love through us is that we don’t love just those who love us, but we love our enemy. In fact, we are to pray for our enemy! Not for God’s wrath to rain down upon them, that day will come when the Lord comes back to earth to claim his own. It is not our job to plaster our enemy with wrath! Love conquers all, and love covers all sins says the word of God to us. If I love only those who love me, I am no better than those who do not love Christ. But when I love as Christ loved me, a sinner, unclean, then my grace, which stems from Christ, flows into the life of another. And when that other is my enemy, or if they are my friend, they are blessed with the grace, forgiveness, and the blessings o...