Romans 1:17

For in the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed – a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: “The righteous will live by faith” ~ Romans 1:17 God’s plan for us is justification, that is, to declare us just in His sight. Through the blood of Jesus, but also before that, through faith in God such as Abraham had, we are justified, made righteous because God is righteous. We cannot justify ourselves through our works, through how “hard we try” to be righteous, it is a gift from God to an unrighteous people. The law causes people to abide by it, to fulfill being righteous by not swerving from what the law says. The problem is, we cannot abide by the law 100% of the time! What Paul is saying here is we can only be found “not guilty” or “innocent” through the forgiveness of God. It does not mean we did not commit the crime, but by faith in God, our crimes have been pardoned. As human beings, we are far from perfect, but, we are righteous. Matthe...