John 15:4

Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me ~ John 15:4 Jesus spoke in words to reach into the very understanding of those gathered in listening. Who can better understand what He was saying about cultivating than those who were familiar with it in their daily life? So, He talks about being connected. Here, it is a vine connected to its source of life, the branch. The vine, rooted in the ground, receives nourishment and life giving waters, then passes this on to the branch. The branch in return brings forth budding, and flowers, and ultimately, sweet fruit. If we are not rooted in studying God’s Word, in prayer, in Bible reading on a daily basis, there is great difficulty in staying connected to the branch, namely, Jesus Christ. Life is too powerful a tool! It grabs our attention, our sustenance, and our worries. Being disciplined in spiritual matters takes energy! And ...