Romans 5:10

For if, while we were God’s enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life! ~ Romans 5:10 How have you lived your life so far? Are you a God hater, or a God lover? Do you look at your life’s history and wonder who could ever love you? You have cheated, stolen, perhaps been imprisoned for crimes you dare not mention aloud? Or, maybe not quite so drastic, but you certainly have not had God in mind when you lived life your way, doing your thing, showing that you were the “boss”. I know there are stories about those who would wonder at the love of God for them. How could God love them when they had committed…what crime would you fill in? I will tell you that you are not alone. In every human heart there is enmity toward that which is holy. And ultimately toward God, for He is the author of holiness. Yet, He knew you before you were born, He knew the path you might take, probably would take, un...