Matthew 7:1, 2

Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you ~ Matthew 7:1, 2 This Bible verse is so often misunderstood to mean we should not judge at all, ever, no way! This is not so. What this verse is saying is the we are not to make hasty and harsh judgments, or uncharitable judg ments against someone. When we use judgment to elevate our own self over and above someone, when we feel there is no good quality found in another such as what we possess, we judge cruelly and hastily. When we judge without allowance for circumstance, we are unnecessarily judging another. It is a warning against prejudice and one-sidedness, for until we hear both sides, we cannot know the fullness of the circumstances. Jesus never prevented civil judgments upon evil doers, or the church if there was disorder found within, or in its leaders. He does not forbid us judging others by their fruit, which show...