Matthew 9:22

Jesus turned and saw her. “Take heart, daughter,” he said, “your faith has healed you.” And the woman was healed at that moment ~ Matthew 9:22 There are so many beautiful stories which surround our Lord, but for me, this one and the woman at the well in Luke attract me beyond all the others. In her culture, this woman was ostracized. She would not have had a touch, a look, a friend or a spouse, for she was dirty and “unclean”. Not only that, but an impure woman would not dare touch a man’s garment, for in her touch, they would become defiled and would not be able to perform their religious tasks, or enter the temple to worship. But, reach out and touch him she did, and in her act, she was made whole. What made her reach out? What caused her to look beyond her circumstances and her fear to even dare to do such a thing? Certainly, she must have known Jesus had healed others by His touching them, but for her to reach out and do the touching? That is faith! No wonder Jesus turned...